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Duck Decoys

Many years ago I was at Bristol Polytechnic, studying for an ONC in Cartography. Part of the course required a thesis on any topic; the more unusual would give a better chance of gaining the qualification when the chips were down!

I chose "Somerset Duck Decoys" as it was so unusual a subject that I it would give me a positive review, at least.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I found that I had a mention on a specialist website, all these years later!

Duck Decoys occured in many regions of the UK and are historically important. Many are now derelict or just dried up and no longer visible. If you are following routes of perceived Ley Lines, why not look out for them. Whilst they are not connected with Ley Lines, they make for more interest when you are scouring a large scale map. If you ever see the legend "Decoy Pool" then you will have found one! Should you ever wish to visit one, then don't forget that they are nearly always on private land.

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and scroll down to "Sources". Fame at last!
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