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Dog Walking

Walk the dog...?

Certainly a way to engage with your best friend and also keep both of you healthy, with a cold wet nose and glossy coat. Well, the dog at least!

We all see people out every day with their pet or pets. Also the professional dog walkers, bless their hearts. Not something I would want to do! I always imagine Boadicea hauling at the reins with several horses pulling at their bits; a lot of power to control with each animal having its own personality and potentially different sense of direction! Perhaps someone should invent "dog blinkers"? 

I guess that walking from home, around the estate every day and back again might become boring for the human. The dog probably couldn't care less.

Those living in the country are luckier. Into the car, dog et al (and if you are not careful some dogs will "eat all"; car seats included, and off to the nearest park, footpath, field, etc.

If you are interested in Ley Lines and want somewhere to walk with a purpose, then why not research an OS map of the area? You may be lucky and find one that even coincides with a footpath and even luckier if it passes a pub. Pubs, incidentally, are becoming more dog friendly nowadays with many even having a tub of "doggy treats"!

So why not consider planning something different for the next time your pet comes to you with its lead in its mouth. Don't forget your wellies! 

You love your dog; I know you do!

There are many people who offer photos or portaits of dogs and I'm sure they all provide excellent results. But have you thought of a large canvas or even a mural? An ideal way to celebrate your Best Friend and a lasting memory!

Jeff Evans has been creating images on canvas, walls and bridges for 10 years and has an impressive portfolio of his artwork.

Please follow this link to his own website; you won't be disappointed!    

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